Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We need to stand by our skills

Silk painting is very critical but many people do it.

The gracefulness of silk allows for mistakes and low skills to look presentable because it is so generous and lets paint spread beautifully. When people take silk painting lightly their technique remains very basic. Their silks look like they let a cat walk over them with paint on its paws. When Andy Warhol painted naked women and let them crawl on his canvas the idea was fresh and original, but he had a strong art background.

Of course, I'm old school, I appreciate refined skills. I don't believe in praising work that does not deserve praise. Being politically correct holds us back from giving clear criticism and the praises that are given hold artists back from improving their art.

As artists we need the guts to give our opinion to each other instead of giving each other hollow words.  

Leyla Navab ArtSilk
Shawl Collection
May 22, 2012

Watercolor Inspiration Drawings

As an artist who likes adventure and spontenouity in life, I usually paint freelance without a premedidated design; gutta becomes my pen and dupont is my color. The experience is completely suprising because I never know what the result will be. Sometimes the result is not to my liking but it can still appeal to others. The entire experience of painting on silk becomes a complete suprise.

I began to experience a different way of painting by making watercolor sketches like the ones I'm sharing below. Any painting on silk is suprising but doing the sketches beforehand actually allows for me to explore more. The final painting does not only satisfying my expectations but it has greater composition and richness.

Painting silk without a skecth is spontenous creation without a set goal. Painting with a sketch is less spontenous but it still gives great opportunities to add more richness.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Leyla Navab ArtSilk Meditation Cushions

Today, I had the idea of writing a blog about meditation, but as I was getting ready to begin typing something told me that a blog on meditation had already been posted. I searched through the archive and found the post Meditation Cushion, which is almost a year old. However, I do want to revisit the subject and share my opinion about it a bit more.

It seems to be that meditation is seen by many people as something "spooky" and "cult-like". Some people feel that practicing meditation will change their lifestyle, which is scary because change itself can be terrifying for some. One person shared with me that they practiced meditation for a long period of time but then quit. I think this is the result of not knowing the true meaning of meditation which results in unfulfilled expectations.

I try to define meditation in the most simple terms as a "stage of complete presence". This means that through meditation you enter a place of mental silence and stillness that results in total vitality; you don't feel fatigue, depression,  anxiety, nor boredom. Even though you do nothing, the mind is free, and it does not navigate through one's past nor future.
One of my personal experiences with meditation was when I decided to meditate next to the ocean for a month straight. I would sit next to the ocean and feel its energy and at the same time follow the flow of my breath. After the month passed I was able to release an emotion I didn't know how to face. Every time this emotion arose I felt powerless but meditation created strength within me to deal with it.

Meditation is being recommended by many physicians as a way to improve one's physical, emotional, and mental health. The Hammer Museum holds meditation sessions, which are free and open to the public, and even Dr. Oz says that meditation is one of the most powerful ways to release stress.

The most simple way to enter meditation is to follow the in-and-out of your breath. The breath is the only sign of life that is always with you and is ALWAYS readily accessible.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Shawl Collection May 2012

Nature during spring is amazingly inspiring 

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Shawl, Different Looks

Purchase this Purple Iris Shawl here

The Brentwood Spring Artshow

During the weekend I attended the Brentwood Spring Artshow that takes place on San Vicente Boulevard in Brentwood, California. I’ve been part of this show in the past but this time I decided to only be a spectator. I got the opportunity to speak to several of the artists participating in the show and they shared that they weren’t selling much. It seemed to be that most of the people walking the show were either only walking their dog or pushing a baby stroller.

I think that the show attracts artists because of its location, which is one of the most expensive real estate areas in Los Angeles. However, the crowd that attends the show doesn’t show much interest in arts and crafts and they also don’t seem very willing to spend their money on them.

I know many art shows exist and also that many artists make a living out of participating in shows all around the country, I just seem to have a very difficult time finding shows where the public is actually appreciative of the art and also has the resources to make a purchase.  

There are very few artists that truthfully share their experience about the shows they attend. Perhaps if we were all more willing to share information, we could protect each other and form a strong artists community.